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Get Ready for Your CIPD Exam with Human Resource Management Derek Torrington PDF Download Free

Toc: Content: Preface --Publisher's acknowledgements --Human resource management in a changing world --The nature of human resource management --The global context for human resource management --Human resource management around the world --Strategic human resource management --Workforce planning and analytics --Employability: the basic skills --Resourcing : getting people in the right places to do the right things --Organisational agility and flexibility --Recruitment --Selection methods and decisions --Employability: skills in resourcing --Performance : success through individual and collective achievement --Employee performance management --Leadership --Engagement and retention --Managing attendance and absence --Employability: skills in performance --Development --Organisational change and development --The context of employee learning and development --Learning and development --Talent and career development --Employability: skills in development --Employee relations --Employee voice --The legal framework of work --Equal opportunities and diversity --Employability: skills in employee relations --Reward: the contract for payment --Total reward and setting pay --Incentives --Pensions and benefits --Employability: skills in reward --Contemporary issues --Ethics and reputational management --Managing the human resource function --Health and well-being --Managing the international workforce --Advanced hr skills --Glossary --Index.

human resource management derek torrington pdf download free

Human Resource Management, 11th Edition, by Torrington, Hall, Taylor and Atkinson is praised for its comprehensive scope of topics, coverage of important HRM issues and succinctness. It is a great introduction to human resources for students pursuing undergraduate business and management courses, as well as those on CIPD accredited courses. Human resource management helps those aspiring to or working in HR or management roles. The eleventh edition has been thoroughly updated with the economic, social and legal employment practice changes and is specifically designed to cover the issues and debates facing HRM today, backed up by academic research.

1 The nature of human resource management2 The global context for human resource management3 HRM around the world4 Strategic human resouce management5 Workforce planning, analytics and AI6 Employability: the basic skills 2ff7e9595c

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